Is There A Season To Be Sick

Released on = February 1, 2007, 3:52 am

Press Release Author = Dr Laurence Magne

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = From the desk of Dr Magne, author of Cancer Free For Life

Press Release Body = There is an interesting discovery that points to the fact that
most diseases are a matter of choice, not a matter of fact, as with all things in

The power of your thoughts applies equally to our physical health as it does to
material possession or anything else. We experience at the physical level of
vibration of Energy that which our Minds have created at an inner level of
vibration, so our outer health is a direct reflection of our inner health, the
health of our non-physical bodies.

If we choose to focus on an imaginary illness, or we fear o contracting such an
illness, because, for example, someone close in the family is already suffering,
then that illness will become a reality.

If we deny illness, then it cannot possibly affect us. So if anyone close is
afflicted by a seasonal disease such as a cold, and is perhaps sneezing, rather than
think to yourself words such as "Now I will catch a cold for sure", take a few
moments to experience how well you feel at this very moment when the germs can't
possibly have reached you, how you are the epitome of health, and feel the emotions
associated with those feelings of health, and above all give thanks for those
feelings of well-being.

If you ever have doubts about your well-being, or you feel you will contract an
ailment from someone close, say to yourself "cancel, cancel, cancel' and remove that
thought immediately. This simple exercise is sure to maintain your health.
An example of this is the 'placebo' used in medicine trials. A placebo is a tablet
or medicine in some other form that contains an inactive power in the case of a
tablet, or plain water in the case of an injection, that can have no effect
whatsoever, but looks identical to the real medicine. Half of the participants are
given the real medicine and the other half the placebo.

Very frequently, those given the placebo show exactly the same level of response and
therefore recovery as those taking the genuine medicine. The reason for this is that
the people taking the placebo totally believe they are taking the genuine medicine
and that it will cure them.

In this case, they have actually cured themselves by virtue of their own thoughts
and beliefs.

So seasonal illness is indeed a choice. Do not accept that choice. Use this simple
technique to remain healthy and disease free. Try it! It works.

Dr Magne is an expert in spontaneous remission. Why don't you discover for yourself
The 10 Ways to Fight Cancer by claiming this FREE report and audio on

Web Site =

Contact Details = Dr Laurence Magne
Publisher, Author
Cancer Free For Life
Email :
Website :
So dien thoai

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